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Kuala Kangsar Some Random Shots of my Tank

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Kuala Kangsar Some Random Shots of my Tank


Some Random Shots of my Tank

Name:Sorry, re-attach.
Heres another
>Hi Gouldian;
What is the name of the orange and red lps (trachyphillia, scolimia)?. they are beautiful.
you have a achilles, here it is a very expensive surgeon fish.
What size is this tank?, I would put some more surgeon fish, they have an elegant swimming and are "reef safe", not as my imperator.
The other day I bought a green catalaphyllia jardinei and he ate it.
>Hi Quino,
Thanks for reading my post. Yes they are scolymia and trachy.
My tank is 40 x 30 x 30inches.
My favourite fish is the achilles tang, not only are they expensive, they are also difficult to acclimate - I am lucky to get this guy and introduce it as the 1st fish to increase its chance of survival.
Hope catalaphyllias are not too pricey in Spain; I like corals and thus will refrain from adding fishes that may feed on corals.
>Yes, It is a wise decision.
The cata cost me 59 eur, it is a cheap price, I have seen them for 120 eur in other time.
I like very much your distribution of the rocks, gives much depth at the tank.
Today I have received one entacmaea quadricolor red, (now, I have got 2) and two Lysmata Amboinensis.
Now, I want to buy 3 Heteractis Magnifica and Im going to try to buy a Zanclus Cannescens. I Know that it s very dificult to keep but I like the handicap.
>Thanks for the kind comments.
FANTASTIC! I always admire that will sufficient space for Heteractis.
I like and have kept Moorish Idols, although difficult, once established they are quite feisty - the key is to get one that is well acclimated.
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Photo taken with mobile phone plus lousy camera skills. Gua Musang Aquarium



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